Postponed to
2pm on Friday 21st of February
at Wreningham Village Hall
Free to attend – All welcome
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The Wreningham Heritage Group was formed in 2018 with the aim of gathering and recording information about the village, its surroundings and history – together with the life experiences of its people and their stories. This website is all about making some of that information more accessible.

Wreningham, like many places, is losing links with its past. Fortunately, there are still residents with local roots reaching back generations. Others have moved from the village but maintain their connections. As a result, it has not been difficult to obtain information and unearth records – both written and pictorial, which help trace our village story.
The number of old documents produced from village drawers and cupboards is a constant surprise. These usually relate to the properties and lives of their historic owners. We are delighted and privileged to have been given access to so many old records, by their current owners, for scanning and then returning! Some of these documents are hundreds of years old and we continue to see more. Our catalogue is constantly expanding.
Whilst this website will grow as more is discovered, it will only scratch the surface of all the available material. One of our goals is to establish how we make this catalogue more widely available.
Many long-standing residents have also submitted themselves for interviews. These audio recordings are contributing to a permanent record of previous times which might otherwise have been forgotten. Extracts from some of those recordings are accessible on the following pages.
Our group holds regular meetings at Wreningham Village Hall and we welcome anyone who wants to come along. You might be surprised.

Jean Lambourne, Chair of Wreningham Heritage Group
Old Money, Weights and Measures
Whilst we regularly find references to measurements and units of money which are no longer in use, we must report the original details for the sake of accuracy. However, for readers who have either forgotten – or never knew(!) these units, the following conversions might be helpful:
Money: There were 20 shillings or 240 pence in every £1. Abbreviations are “s” for shillings and “d” for pence.
Weight: There are 14 pounds (lb) in 1 stone (st) and approximately 2.2 pounds equals 1 kilogram.
Length / Distance: 3 feet (ft) equals 1 yard (yd) – and 1 yard is approximately 90% of 1 metre.
Area: 1 acre equals 4 roods and 1 rood equals 40 perches.
External Links
To give ready access to additional and more detailed information about individual topics, we have included links to website pages belonging to third-party organisations. The content of those other websites is the responsibility of their owners. The Wreningham Heritage Group cannot be held responsible or liable for any of the data contained within them.
Should any of the links provided cease to operate or appear to function incorrectly, please feel free to advise us by way of our Contact page.
This site has been created by the Wreningham Heritage Group using material provided by both local people and some from further afield. We are enormously grateful for their support.
Documents and photographs have been scanned, memories recorded, letters copied, and notes made – all with their permission.
In addition, we have included copyrighted items but only with the express permission of the named copyright owners and these items are clearly marked. You may not reproduce these items without first obtaining their owners’ approvals. To the best of the editor’s knowledge no other photographs or items have a third-party copyright. However, if you find anything here that should not be freely available for us to use, please contact us and it can be removed.
None of the material in this website may be reproduced for commercial purposes.